Patriot's Name: Seaman Michael Ellis
Mission Name: Visitation and Interment
Military Branch: United States Navy
Additional Military Info: USS Shangra-La & USS Hornet
Ride Captain: Mike "Gunner" Lambert; (817) 368-9076;
Ride Captain #2: Dewey "Diehard" Dyer; 214-316-8730;
Ride Captain #3: Floyd "1st Shirt" Kammerer; (817) 690-6475;
Mission: The family of Mike Ellis has requested the PGR to stand a flag line to honor this veteran and PGR member.
Due to a long fight with cancer Mike was limited to the missions he was able to attend, however he supported Donna and Winnie "Cookie" as they geared up to provide cookies and water for the PGR riders at parades and the missions at DFW National Cemetery.
Mike had made a final request that when his time came, he wanted to be buried with his Patriot Guard vest. His request is being honored.
Obituary: Michael Brown Ellis, was born on December 22, 1940 and passed away May 13 in Grand Prairie, Texas. Mike served in the Navy from 1958 to 1962, serving aboard two Aircraft Carriers, the USS Shangri-La and the USS Hornet. He was survived by brother; Steve Ellis, life lone friend, wife and companion; Donna Underwood (PGR), 4 sons, one daughter, numerous nieces and nephews. He also had a special self adopted set of parents in Clarence & Winnie "Cookie" Lambert (PGR).
Most of his life he spent as an open road truck driver. Mike loved his country and always honored those who served this country. He was a member of the North Texas Patriot Guard Riders.
PART 1: Visitation and Interment: May 16, 2010, 3: pm; Hiett's Funeral Home
Mission Date: 05/16/2010
Staging Time: 02:15 PM
Briefing Time: 02:30 PM
In Position Time Or KSU: 02:40 PM
Details Of Part 1: The family would like to have a flag line at the visitation and/or at the Graveside Service. The visitation is scheduled for 3 pm and interment at 4 pm. The cemetery is a small family cemetery off the beaten path, directions for the location of the cemetery will be obtained at the Funeral Home. The family has requested that due to the weather, cages be used if possible, for the safety of the riders. Flag assistance is being requested from the East Texas Patriot Guard.
Staging Address For Part 1: Hiett's Funeral Home
1701 Goodnight Blvd.
Wills Point, Texas 75169
Map To Staging Area For Part 1:
Water Truck For Part 1: - The Flag/Water Truck Is Uncertain At This Time.
Weather Forecast: Sunday
Mostly cloudy with a 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the lower 80s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Comments: - Iron horses if you can, cages are always welcome and appreciated.

- Please remember that our mission is to stand tall and silent, and with honor and respect for this patriot and their family.

  With the threat of thunderstorms, please use caution and discretion if you choose to ride your bike.
Respectfully Submitted By: Mike "Gunner' Lambert
  Deputy State Captain
Submitted By:
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